In this article, we discuss how to write search filter test cases. These days almost every database enabled application has the filter and sort options. And filter search option allows filtered output of the database content. However each of the application has it’s own ways to handle the search filter options. And the output of the application will be changed accordingly. Test scenario in such case would vary from one application to another. However we can write some of the generic search filter test cases.
You can find the search filter in applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Google Search, Matlab etc. As you can see each of these apps have a different purpose to serve for users action. And so it’d be harder to apply one generic test scenario. So here are some of the test cases that you may want to check out.
Take the below image as an option for reference.
Test Cases for Search Filter
- Check if the clicking on the filter button opens the filter option.
- Check if the application allows using filter option before searching.
- Check how many results are notified before filter options is available.
- Check if the filter options are visible or not for 0 search results.
- Check if the filter options are visible if the database errors are thrown in search results.
- Check if all the filter options are available.
- If any filter option is not visible, find out the criteria for the same.
- Check the if the filtering of result work per option.
- Check if the filtering is unresponsive for any specific option.
- Check if the filtering leads to wrong results.
- Check if the filtering is allowed to edit.
- Check if the filtering is allowed to start over.
- Verify if the filter has the custom criteria addition filter option.
- Verify if the filter options can be saved.
- Verify if the filter options can be deleted.
- Verify if the filter options allow sorting through relevance.
- Verify if the filter options allow the sorting through keywords.
- Check if the filter option once applied can be hidden.
- Check if the filter option can be used with empty search query.
- Check if there are multiple options to clear the search query.
- Check if the search filter is available on all the pages of search result.
- Check if the search filter allows typo correction.
- Check if the search filter options don’t overshadow the existing results in view.
- Check if the search options are resulting in the search results that are relevant.
- Check if the filter options are responsive on the mobile devices.
These are some of the generic test cases that you can consider for most of the applications. However in case of apps which are specific to mobile devices, may have different criteria for filtering. Also the web applications and desktop application will have specific test scenarios based on the options. So feel free to let me know if there are any specific test cases that you want to add. Add your comment below and let me know if you have any more ideas for the test cases. I’d appreciate your comment. Feel free to let your friends know about this article. Share the URL on social media.