In previous post we discussed how to create a simple window using ironpython to display hello world. Now let’s take this a bit ahead and see how to work with labels. Like any other language you can add or edit windows form labels in ironpython. At the end of this article you’ll learn how to modify the label properties for windows form. [Read more…]
Archives for December 2010
Ironpython Tutorial – Hello World
Ironpython is python under .NET environment and it is made to access all the .NET classes and libraries keeping all the features of original distribution intact. If you’re programming python under windows environment then it is better to get ironpython instead of python’s official distribution. Why ? Because once you pass the basic level of python programming then surely your interests will be to use python either for desktop app or web app. In such case you can benefit a lot from ironpython distribution than official distribution under windows environment. In this article you’ll learn how to program your first ironpython hello world app. [Read more…]