QT allows you to write programs that run on multiple operating system. Unless you’ve any commercial intentions you can always use QT to get your small projects or open source projects to work with your C++ programming skills. [Read more…]
C++ Books for Interviews
For freshers C and C++ are the languages which are often selected by interviewer to select the right candidate for their company. If you’re applying to company as fresher or experienced for C++ developer position then you need to prepare accordingly. Level of the test difficult will vary based on your experience, freshers are likely to be tested with code, bugs and definitions. This post is an attempt to give you some pointers for how to prepare for C++ interview. [Read more…]
Developing C/C++ programs under ubuntu
I already covered how to write c++ programs in linux. But in that article, i didn’t mentioned about how to install compilers and stuff. So this post will cover how to install compilers in ubuntu and to write, compile and run program. [Read more…]
C++: Multiple Source files
It can be inconvenient to write a long program within a single file. When programs grow to hundreds or thousands of lines, breaking them into modular units helps manage the program.This way you can bring modularity in your project. [Read more…]
WINBGIm Graphics
Previously, I’ve discussed installation & configuration of Winbgim with Dev-C++ here. As devpaks for Winbgim are released, things are now much better than before. This article is designed to help you create graphics programs using WINBGIm and DEV-C++. [Read more…]
C++ Templates
Template in C++ is very interesting topic. Templates allow you to define functions and Classes that have parameters for type names. This article is about C++ templates, its types and its usage. [Read more…]
C++ under linux
There are plenty of ways with which you can do C++ programming under linux. You can use mdern IDE’s or use VI/Emacs to create C++ program files then can even use gcc on terminal to compile and execute C++ files.Let’s discuss the simple way to create programs under linux. [Read more…]
Borland C++ Builder -Components
In previous posts,I’ve covered some details about creating windows & console applications.If you haven’t read the previous part,please take a look at part1,part2 & part3.For those who followed this series continue reading this article. [Read more…]
Getting Answers : C++
If you’re C++ programmer and you’ve some problem regarding it then there are plenty of resources to receive help . You can even keep your C++ knives sharp by joining some of the forums or groups to help others and learn something new from it. [Read more…]
RAD-C++ : GUI Library
There are lot of GUI toolkits arround,each has its own way of developing programs.There are many libraries that requires lot of study & you need to spend a lot of time with it.At the end,you wish you can create your programs in few minutes without thinking about the DLL or any memory issue.In such case RAD-C++ is the library you are looking for, [Read more…]