In previous posts,I’ve covered some details about creating windows & console applications.If you haven’t read the previous part,please take a look at part1,part2 & part3.For those who followed this series continue reading this article. [Read more…]
Wx-Dev-C++ : Open Source Wxwidget IDE
Dev-C++ is the most promising IDE for learning C++ that gives you with mingw(source),package manager,devpaks & more features.But best of all it is free,thats why it is the most downloaded IDE from sourceforge.But there has been no news for this IDE since last version beta 5.In the meantime guru cathiresan came up with Wx-DevC++,fork of Dev-C++ that has support for wxwidget. [Read more…]
Borland C++ Builder – Windows Application
This is the third part of the [Borland C++ builder programming series].Here you will learn on how to create,compile & execute windows application.If you are interested in creating console application then red it [here].In this article you will read about the rapid application development approach of borland c++ builder. [Read more…]
Borland C++ Builder – Console Application
This is the second part of the [Borland C++ builder programming series].Here you will learn on how to create,compile & excute console application.Reader is supposed to have atleast Borland C++ builder 5 or Higher.Borland CPP Builder can be used to create many type of applications that include win32,console or opengl or DLL’s etc.If you are beginner in C++ or C then most of the time [Read more…]
Borland C++ builder – Introduction
Turbo C++ 3.0 is no doubt a great IDE but it can’t produce 32bit apps for you.Also it has 64kb memory limitation.But you need to extend your skills with C++,all you need is Borland C++.Borland C++ Builder is the most powerful rapid application tool created by borland.With BCB you can create Win32 console applications or Win32 GUI [Read more…]
Learning Turbo C++
Turbo C ++ 3.0 is the most famous and easy to use IDE for learning C++. It has all you need for C++ development. It is still used in many institutes, colleges & universities even if it is out of date. There are very few articles documented on internet for Turbo C++ IDE. [Read more…]
Syntax Highlighting components
There are lot of code editing components available on the internet. I’ve found more than 50 results for such components. Some components has complex. So I’ve compiled list of some of the good components that you can use as per you need. [Read more…]
Lazarus Beta review
If you’re looking for rapid application tool that runs on multiple platforms, then look no further than Lazarus. Lazarus is rapid application program that emulates Delphi like interface. It was written to create rapid application designer using free Pascal. [Read more…]